Thursday, August 30, 2007

Yesterday marked the two year anniversary of Katrina, as most of you heard on the news. There were other victims we were worrying about yesterday, though, as I learned that the mother of one of my students was shot and killed in her home. Through students we learned that there was a history of domestic violence with the alleged perpetrator, who is the father of 3 out of 5 children in the home. The incident occurred in the middle of the night while the children were there. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Students start Friday! Talk about nervous! Luckily Walker's family was able to come visit and help us relax and get some things done around here. Walker continues to work extremely hard and is on his first fishing trip with customers right now. We'll go to the lake for the first time in a while this weekend-we've heard vines have over taken the house. Please keep in touch!