Monday, June 11, 2007

In case you haven't heard, Walker and I will be aunt and uncle in about 6 months!
Congratulations Alison and Michael!
So DirectTV offers local channels to 95% of the country now! Great, right? Sure, unless you're in the 5% that gets we are. We plugged in the rabbit ears to watch the Cavs last night (a disappointment in itself).
I took some inspiration from my multi-tasking queen of a friend, Heather, and cranked up the music today-I have to get these boxes unloaded! Probably the only difference is I turned up the 90's (if you know her, you know what I mean). I started a new pile of boxes, which Reese thought was another bed.

Here's one for the kids: Can you find the animal dozing amidst the mess? Worthless!

Let's be fair-Dixie's had a tough day of defending her flip!
When I get out of the house more I'll have pictures of something besides the dogs!

1 comment:

carmen said...

i love pictures of the dogs!! keep them coming