Friday, June 15, 2007

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Maybe I'm the only one amused by such things, but I love to listen to big bugs fly into our windows at night. We have three windows across the back of the house and the giant mosquitoes outside want to come in really bad. Check out the little guy that tried to take advantage of the situation last night by climbing up the back door. He's about the size of a silver dollar (Carmen, you'd think he was so cute!)

There's a trail in the woods behind our house where the girls and I walk every day. There are two big mud puddles and I noticed a ton of tadpoles swimming around. Watching them grow will keep me occupied a while.


carmen said...

OMG!!!! you know me too well. he was so cute! and is that dog hair on him? i love your posts. good luck walkie!!!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.